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Who: German Village Society

What: Virtual PreTour Cocktail Party

When: Saturday June 27 and Sunday June 28 at 2pm, 4pm, and 6pm each day

Where: Your home, patio or safe place to have a cocktail

Why: While we are devastated that we had to cancel this year’s  Haus und Garten Tour – we can still enjoy a socially distant Virtual PreTour Cocktail Party for the weekend as a way to keep the tradition going!  As we have in the past – this is a great opportunity to keep going with the themes – whether a great cocktail party table and/or a fun and creative Zoom background to share with your friends in typical German Village style! –  And stay tuned for more announcements – we may not be doing a tour on these dates but Save the Date for August 15th and our unique alternative event.

Attire: Cocktail Party Casual or  whatever you choose

How: We’re having a zoom PreTour Cocktail Party to benefit the German Village Society! Re-create your favorite PreTour theme from the past or create a new theme to add to 60 years of German Village Society stories. Post photos on your social media channel(s) of choice and tag us along with the hashtag #Germanvillage

Tag us on:

What to drink: A virtual cocktail party led by your own personal mixologist! We send you a shopping list or bring you the ingredients; you tune in and learn the tricks of the trade from a team of local cocktailers led by Cris Dehlavi, founder and Vice President of the Columbus chapter of the United States Bartenders Guild.

Featured Cocktails

Sangria                                                                                                                                                    Gimlet 


Download a Zoom virtual background for your PreTour Cocktail Party!


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